Lock N' Load with R. Lee Ermey
Get hands-on with some of the world's fiercest firearms as actor, sergeant, drill instructor, Vietnam veteran, and Mail Call host R. Lee Ermey takes us on a fascinating ride through the pathology of each featured weapon: where it came from, who thought of it, who improved it, its victories, its defeats, its impact on history and where it is now. And R. Lee doesn't always start at the beginning. He launches each episode of the new HISTORY series Lock n' Load with that weapon's most modern usage: for example, he'll unleash a maelstrom from a Metal Storm gun at one million rounds per minute before tracing the evolutionary steps that got the gun to its present place in history. Impressive CGI and advanced 3D graphics detail the improvements, changes in technology and thinking behind each weapon, while experts flesh out the gun's story and highlight the historical characters who exploited it.
Starring R. Lee Ermey

